We the People
The Citizen and the Constitution Program
The We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution Program promotes civic competence and responsibility among the nation’s upper elementary and secondary students. The We the People print textbooks‘ and enhanced ebooks‘ interactive strategies, relevant content and the simulated congressional hearing make teaching and learning exciting for both students and teachers. The We the People curriculum is an innovative course of instruction on the history and principles of the United States constitutional democratic republic. The program enjoys active support from state bar associations and foundations, and other educational, professional, business, and community organizations across the nation. Since its inception in 1987, more than 30 million students and 75,000 educators have participated in the We the People program.
Vantage Institute is South Dakota’s this programs state coordinator through the Center for Civic Education
20 Years Strong
Student South Dakota State Competition—2019
“It’s commendable that you guys do this. … I think this will be a memorable experience for you,” Wes Brown, of the Vantage Institute, a nonprofit organization that provides education, training, and support for issues facing communities said. He thanked the students for their hard work, the judges for their time, and everyone involved for making the event possible.
During the competition, student units take on simulated congressional hearing questions, demonstrating their knowledge and understanding of the Constitution and Bill of Rights and current constitutional issues. Each unit prepares a four-minute statement to present to the panel of judges acting as a congressional committee, and they then answer follow-up questions posed by the committee members. The units are scored on understanding, Constitutional application, reasoning, supporting evidence, responsiveness, and participation.
The Spearfish team is made up of seniors Lily Dennison, Gene Glover, Paxton Klug, Rigel Roberdeau, Kenna Comer, Kennedy Kaitfors, Rylee Niesent, Taylor Hersch, Justin Steedley, Hannah Tysdal, Ana Buchholz, Peter Marich, Morgan Roberts, Zach Tipton, Sophia Caldwell, Nathan Davis, Thomas Friedrich, Ella Neiman, Tim Doerges, Izzy Drumm, Jay Sayler, and Chelsea Williams. Patrick Gainey teaches the class.
Unit 4, made up of Buchholz, Marich, Roberts, and Tipton, were named the best unit for the Spearfish team, and Friedrich was named the Larson Best Speaker Award for the team.
Voices in Democracy Pt. 2 of 3
https://watch.sdpb.org/video/where-do-we-go-from-here-ckahbr/ . 03/01/2019
“Voices in Democracy: South Dakotans Engage, Empower & Enhance the Democratic Process” Part 2 in a 3-part series examining why your vote counts and the importance of everyone’s participation in a free and democratic government system.
Moderated by Chuck Parkinson.
TOPIC: “Voices in Democracy: South Dakotans Engage, Empower & Enhance the Democratic Process”
Part 2 in a 3-part series examining why your vote counts and the importance of everyone’s participation in a free and democratic government system.
– Wes Brown, Vantage Institute; SD State Coordinator, “We the People”: The Citizen and the Constitution
– Dr. Pamela Carriveau, Associate Professor of Political Science & Sociology, Black Hills State University
– Hannah Neumiller, Student, Black Hills State University
– Juel (Cliff) Pluimer II, Student, South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
– Bryan Waugh, Student, South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
“no state shall . . . deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
14th Amendment added in 1868